This is a Unity 3d game asset. Sluggor is his name. For 3d specs, see the extended description below.
Sluggor the Slug Monster, Unity 3d Game Asset
Game asset: Very simple animations. Meant to be more of an ambient creature, or a surprise pounce creature.
Sluggor 3d Slug Monster Game Asset Demo
Sluggor 3d Slug Monster Turntable Example
This is Sluggor a slug Monster.
See the sketchfab preview for animations and polygon density.
His form is inspired from old classic game enemies. Can you figure out which?
This is a slightly ambient monster which will serve best as a simple secondary enemy, or even a prop. No doubt you will find a good implementation.
Concept: A squishy slug monster.
– 1688 Polygons
– 4096 x 4096 res texture and normal maps.
Please note: This model *does not have LODs*. The level of detail available is seen on the wireframe previews. Also note that the polygon count is generally low, with detail being contained in color and normal maps.