The camel spider needed some work. I wasn’t happy with the claws and the cuticles between the shells. I improved both.

I find its often the small details that determine the difference between realism and highly-detailed plasticine-like models. Usually its the seemingly meaningless embellishments that give realism.

One thing I should employ more in my models is minor deviations from symmetry. No creature is perfectly symmetrical, and character designers know this. For now, I often rely on perfect symmetry for animation and rigging, to avoid projects running excessively long.

This camel spider took a few hours, but turned out to be one of the better models.

I’m taking much inspiration from Bethesda’s artists. I often refer to the book “The Art of Fallout 4” to see how artists such as Dennis Mejillones work out their designs.

Here is that book I use for inspiration: